Board of Directors
The Giving Web was founded by 5 friends with a common passion of giving back to the local community. A passion that resonates so deeply that we founded The Giving Web to grow a family of like-minded individuals. We love what we do and we hope you will too!
Adam Ennabe
Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer. Adam earned his bachelors from Cal State Fullerton and joined a local mortgage company. He quickly mastered the art of home mortgages and now co-manages his own mortgage branch in Irvine, CA. Adam has always had a passion for giving back and helping others. He loves to host unique charitable events that ignite the same passion in his friends It all began with small events at his home where he invited friends over for food and drinks with the admission price of canned goods for the local food bank! He went on to participate in pumpkin carvings with Ronald McDonald, and pioneered The Giving Web's very first blood drive. The success of the blood drives and other events garnered a reputation for being a fun quick way to give back to your community and we hope to carry that same reputation at The Giving Web.
Evan Ennabe
Director. Evan Ennabe has a level of commitment to his career and his schooling unparalleled to anyone we have ever known. He gives 100% to everything he does in life. Despite his full-time job (with overtime) and being a full-time honors student at CSUF, Evan still finds time to make sure he's giving back to society Anyone who thinks they don’t have the time to volunteer or help others should compare their schedule to Evan’s and realize that if he can do it, so can they. Without a doubt, in my mind, no schedule is more rigorous and demanding than Evans; yet, giving back is something that's so important to him that he ensures there's time for it. Evan is passionate about helping alleviate the hunger faced by so many in the world today. So many people struggle with hunger day by day and this should not be the case in today’s world. Evan also feels strongly about helping those who can’t help themselves, primarily focused on children. Evan is frequently quoted saying “you can only be a kid once and everyone deserves a happy childhood.”
Mary Lin
Co-Founder, Chief Financial Officer. Mary is extremely ambitious and agressive in her career and takes the same aggressive attitude to her desire to give back. Her intelligence and work ethic make her stand out as a go getter and born leader. She earned her Bachelor's from The University of California, Irvine and began her career at Edwards Lifesciences. Mary went on to accept a position with Lincoln Property Company, the 2nd largest property management firm in the US, into what would eventually lead her to her current role as National Director of Business Intelligence. Her passions of chartiable work include feeding the hungry and helping those with physical disabilities.
Cameron Neeley
Director. Cameron is a kind hearted soul you can always count on. He is fillled with kindness and goodwill. Cameron takes advantage of every opportunity to reach out and do good for others. As a graduate of BYU, Cameron brings a level of business acumen to The Giving Web that helps fulfill our philanthropic mission. He is passionate about helping those struck by poverty with any aid he can provide. As a born athlete, Cameron has a desire to spread the joy of athletics to those with mental and physical disabilities. We are so glad to have Cameron as part of our Giving Web family!
Aaron Perdomo
Director. Aaron has always been a big believer of “do to others as you would have them do to you”. He strives to live by this to the best of his ability. Aaron brings his marketing skills he's garnered from his career at Robert Wayne to accomplish exactly that. He truly believes that the biggest reward for giving is the gift of someone's smile, a bit of hope, and a lot of love. Through the Giving Web he hopes to be able to help others in many different ways through positive actions that cause positive reactions.